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Germans Laughed at Trump for Warning About Dependence on Russian Energy. Now They’re in a Gas Crisis.

In a 2018 speech at the United Nations General Assembly, President Trump tried to warn Germany about depending on Russia for too much of its energy. 

“Germany will become totally dependent on Russian energy if it does not immediately change course,” Trump said about a pipeline being built. “Here in the Western Hemisphere, we are committed to maintaining our independence from the encroachment of expansionist foreign powers.” 

To that, the German delegation laughed. 

Nevertheless, the 45th president continued warning them. 

“If you look at it, Germany is a captive of Russia,” the then-president later said ahead of a NATO meeting in Brussels. “They got rid of their coal plants, they got rid of their nuclear, they’re getting so much of their oil and gas from Russia. I think it is something NATO has to look at. It is very inappropriate.”

Fast-forward to today’s headlines.

“Europe faces an emergency this winter as the continent sees further cutoff of Russian gas, RBC’s commodities chief says,” reports Markets Insider

“Germany declares gas crisis as Russia cuts supplies to Europe,” states CNN

“‘We are in a gas crisis.’ Germany raises emergency level,” a New York Times headline reads. “Germany’s economy minister triggered the second stage of a contingency plan a week after Russia cut back on gas to Europe, sending prices soaring and raising fears of shortages.”

They’re probably not laughing anymore. 

Indeed, the German delegation’s reaction was priceless.

Still laughing about “Trump’s ‘outrageous’ claims” now?

— Niteangel (@I_am_Niteangel) June 20, 2022


German delegation at UN laughed at him

Our left-wing media joined in

On social media, leftists endlessly mocked Trump, even added funny music

But #TrumpWasRight about NATO, about EU, about China, about #Trade, about… well, most everything:

(part 1)

— Ultra ???? Alex ? (@AlexChecked) June 22, 2022

Time for an update?

— Cernovich (@Cernovich) April 12, 2022

Remember this? His “outrageous claims” turned out to be 100% accurate.

The “priceless reaction” of the German ???? delegation should be played over and over again, as they have started using coal (purchased from Russia) out of desperation.

— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) June 24, 2022

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