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A Husband And Wife Were Golfing

A Husband And Wife Were Golfing

A Husband And Wife Were Golfing

While out on the golf course, a husband and wife found themselves in a unique conversation. The wife suddenly inquired, “Darling, if I were to pass away, would you ever consider marrying again?”

Her husband responded with, “No, my love,” to which the wife expressed her skepticism, saying, “I’m quite certain you would.”

The husband, pondering for a moment, eventually replied, “Well, alright, I suppose I might.”

Curiosity got the better of the wife, and she continued, “Would you let her share our bed?”

Her husband thought for a moment and replied, “Yes, I suppose I would.”

Not finished yet, the wife pressed on, asking, “Would you allow her to use my golf clubs?”

The husband, with a hint of amusement, replied, “No, my dear, she’s left-handed.”

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