An Oklahoma State Trooper pulls over a circus clown for speeding
The trooper asks the clown, “Why were you driving so fast?” The clown says, “I’m…
St Peter realizes that an engineer accidentally landed up in hell
St. Peter conducts a census in heaven and realizes someone is missing. So he goes…
🤣 JOKES OF THE DAY 👉 She was feeding her husband cat food for 50…
🤣 JOKES OF THE DAY 👉 She was feeding her husband cat food for 50…
These three sons compete over who got their mother the best present
Three sons left home, went out on their own and prospered. Years later, they get…
Four affluent fathers meet up for their yearly golf match with…
As fathers tend to do, they all start bragging about their children. The first father…
The doctor cautiously placed his ear to the man’s thigh only to…
A man went to the doctor… He said, “Doc, you gotta check my leg. Something’s…
A drunk man was sitting by a pond
A Drunk Man Sits By A Duck Pond. The drunk man thinks to himself, “I’d…
The pilot was stunned when the man tried to do this!
A helicopter carrying passengers suddenly loses engine power and the aircraft begins to descend. The…
The old man didn’t flinch when the Devil arrived
A few minutes before the services started, the towns people were sitting in their pews…
A married couple are out golfing
The husband slices his tee shot into the trees. They find the ball resting behind…