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Here’s What Trump Found Out While Visiting a Local PA Grocery Store

The Trump campaign stopped by a local grocery store, Sprankle’s Neighborhood Market in Kittanning, Pennsylvania, this week, where the former president perused the aisles, helped a local woman out with her groceries, and found something damning regarding the business’ stability from one of the owners.

President Trump: “This woman is not capable. She was on Oprah and she couldn’t answer the most basic question. We’ve gone through 4 years of that. We’re not going to go through another 4 years… She couldn’t answer ANY questions — nobody knew what she was even talking about.”

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) September 24, 2024

PRESIDENT TRUMP IN PENNSYLVANIA: “This woman came in with three apples. She put them down at the cash register and she realized she couldn’t afford three. Then she went and brought one back…. she brought two instead of three. That shouldn’t be this country.”

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) September 24, 2024

Trump was seen picking up some popcorn, which led to an unhinged reaction from some liberals over his dietary habits. He then gave a woman some cash to pay for her groceries, which triggered another tantrum from the Left, who tried to make a RICO case out of it.

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) September 23, 2024

Imagine being this angry over someone eating popcorn

— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) September 24, 2024


If Democrats think Trump helping a random woman buy groceries is a “federal crime” (it isn’t), then what do they call it when Biden ignores Supreme Court decisions to use taxpayer funds to pay off student loans of hundreds of thousands of Democrat voters?

A RICO conspiracy?

— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) September 24, 2024

One of the owners said that in his 20-plus years being in business, he’s consistently turned a profit, except for the past three years under Biden:

Wow. A Pennsylvania grocery store owner told Trump that over the 25 years his family owned the store, they made profit every year except for the last 3 under Biden and Kamala.

Next time Kamala tells you the economy is doing good, remember this

— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) September 24, 2024

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