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Trump Campaign Rolls Out New Website Showing How a Harris Presidency Would Affect Your Taxes

The Trump campaign rolled out a new website informing voters how much their taxes would likely increase under a Harris presidency.

Reminding visitors that Harris voted against the Trump Tax Cuts as a senator and will let them sunset if elected president, the website highlights that the national average tax hike will be $2,580.57, but there are also state-specific figures available based off data from the Tax Foundation. 

“Democrats in Washington don’t care about you – they will work together with Kamala Harris to make sure you pay more taxes and have less money in your pocket,” the website states. “According to the Tax Foundation, if the Trump Tax Cuts expire, most taxpayers will see a notable tax increase.” 

Trump and Republican lawmakers passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2017, which drastically overhauled the nation’s tax code, including reducing the top individual income tax bracket to 37% from 39.6% and nearly doubling the size of the standard deduction.

The law, however, is set to sunset in 2025, with Vice President Harris vowing to reverse the Trump-era cuts. She is proposing to raise the rate that major businesses pay from 21% to 28%, and also seeks to increase the federal government’s small business tax deduction tenfold, from $5,000 to $50,000. […]

Last week, the Chamber of Commerce and 500 businesses spread across the nation published an open letter to Washington lawmakers and the next presidential administration, calling on them to keep the Trump tax cuts in place or risk the U.S. facing “the largest tax increase in American history.” (Fox News Digital)


“When Kamala is in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin this week — will she tell voters that on average they will pay more than $2,000 in extra taxes each year if she is elected and lets the Trump Tax Cuts expire?” Trump Campaign National Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt said in a statement. “The choice is simple — more money in your pockets with President Trump or higher taxes with Kamala Harris.” 

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