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A Young Boy Is Pulling His Wagon Up A Hill

A Young Boy Is Pulling His Wagon Up A Hill

A Young Boy Is Pulling His Wagon Up A Hill

A young boy is hauling his wagon up a hill when suddenly one of the back wheels detaches and rolls down the slope.

The boy remarks, “I’ll be darned.”

A local pastor overhears him and advises, “You should not say that. Next time your wheel falls off, say, ‘Praise the Lord.'”

So, the following day, as the boy is pulling his wagon uphill, the wheel again falls off and rolls down. Without missing a beat, the boy declares, “Praise the Lord.”

To his astonishment, the wheel halts, reverses its course, rolls back up the hill, and reattaches itself to the wagon.

Baffled, the boy exclaims, “I’ll be darned!”

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