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An Old Fella Was Celebrating 92 Years On This Earth

An Old Fella Was Celebrating 92 Years On This Earth

An Old Fella Was Celebrating 92 Years On This Earth

A venerable gentleman marked his 92nd year on Earth with a unique celebration. Addressing his body parts, he began with his toes.

“Hello, toes,” he greeted. “How are you? Today marks your 92nd year. Oh, the memories we’ve shared! Recall our strolls in the park every Sunday afternoon? The waltzes on the dance floor? Happy Birthday, toes!”

Continuing his unconventional celebration, he turned his attention to his knees.

“Hello, knees,” he said. “How are you? Today, you too are 92. Oh, the experiences we’ve had! Remember marching in the parade? The hurdles we’ve overcome together. Happy Birthday, knees.”

Amusingly, he then directed his gaze toward his groin.

“Hello, Willie!” he exclaimed. “You little rascal. Just imagine, if you were alive today, you’d be 92!”

@Katen on Instagram
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