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An Old Cowboy Walks Into A Saloon

An Old Cowboy Walks Into A Saloon

An Old Cowboy Walks Into A Saloon

An elderly cowboy strides into a saloon, his sole attire being a pair of boots.

“Where’re your clothes, Slim?” questions one of the patrons.

“Back at the barn. I was tending to the horses when a stunning blonde pulled up,” he begins.

She says, ‘I want to show you something in the barn. Follow me.’

So, naturally, I followed.

In the barn, she says, ‘Strip down.’

Without hesitation, I did as she asked.

Then she disrobes and says, ‘Like what you see?’

I tell you, fellers, she had the most incredible figure I’ve ever laid eyes on! I replied, ‘Yes, ma’am, I sure do!’

Next thing I know, she lays down on a blanket, all friendly-like, and says, ‘Well, then, go to town, Cowboy!’

So I pulled on my boots, and that’s how I ended up here.”

@Katen on Instagram
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